Tag: ebola

FARGO, ND – Autoridades de saúde da Califórnia notificaram que Dakota do Norte é um dos seis estados que poderiam receber lixo hospitalar do Ebola caso o estado tenha algum material para incinerar. Em um aviso publicado na semana passada, o Departamento de Saúde Pública da Califórnia listou North Dakota como um dos seis estados […]
Na sexta-feira, o procurador-geral Buddy Caldwell anunciou que o estado da Louisiana chegou a um acordo com a incineradora Veolia Environmental Services do Texas e o aterro de resíduos perigosos da Louisiana Chemical Waste Management para garantir que as cinzas do incinerador associadas à recente ocorrência do vírus Ebola de Dallas não sejam transportadas ou […]
Os pacientes com esse vírus debilitante produzem 440 galões de lixo hospitalar diariamente, incluindo instrumentos, jalecos, luvas, fluidos corporais, lençóis, colchões e muito mais. É uma quantidade substancial de lixo hospitalar em qualquer situação, mas é especialmente desanimador neste caso porque precisa ser descartado com extrema cautela, para evitar o risco de propagação da infecção. […]
Patients for this debilitating virus create 440 gallons of medical waste daily, such as instruments, gowns, gloves, body fluids, linens, sheets and more. That is a considerable amount of medical waste in any circumstance, but it is particularly daunting in this situation because it ought to be disposed extremely carefully, to avoid the chance of […]
Just one Ebola patient treated in a U.S. hospital will generate eight 55-gallon barrels of medical waste each day. Protective gloves, gowns, masks and booties are donned and doffed by all who approach the patient’s bedside and then discarded. Disposable medical tools, packaging, bed sheets, cups, plates, tissues, towels, pillowcases and anything which is utilized […]
On Friday Attorney General Buddy Caldwell declared the State of Louisiana reached an arrangement with Texas incinerator Veolia Environmental Services and Louisiana toxic waste landfill Chemical Waste Management to ensure that incinerator ash associated with the recent Dallas Ebola virus occurrence won’t be transported or disposed of in Louisiana,. On Oct. 13 the Louisiana Attorney […]
FARGO, N.D. — California health officials have given note that North Dakota is among six countries that may get Ebola medical waste in case the state has any material to incinerate. In a note published last week, the California Department of Public Health listed North Dakota as one of six states where California pushes medical […]
“Their engineers usually go out to help with installation but as a result of the Ebola threat, engineers employed by aid organisations and agencies are being sent to be trained up at the plant in Canning Road Industrial Estate rather than Mr Niklas added:”They contacted us when the outbreak started a few months ago. But […]
Vendredi, le procureur général Buddy Caldwell a annoncé que l’État de Louisiane avait conclu un accord avec l’incinérateur du Texas Veolia Environmental Services et la décharge de déchets dangereux de la Louisiane Chemical Waste Management pour garantir que les cendres de l’incinérateur associées à la récente occurrence du virus Ebola de Dallas ne soient pas […]
FARGO, ND – Les responsables de la santé de la Californie ont signalé que le Dakota du Nord est l’un des six États qui pourraient recevoir des déchets médicaux d’Ebola dans le cas où l’État aurait du matériel à incinérer. Dans un avis publié la semaine dernière, le ministère de la Santé publique de Californie […]